Saturday, April 24, 2010


MERCURY RETROGRADE: ( definition): The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and the written word. It goes in a retrograde motion or backwards three times a year for approximately three weeks at a time. When Mercury is retrograde, there’s a lot of confusion. People forget things. There are delays and frustrations.You should never start anything new when Mercury goes retrograde.

Do I personally believe in the Astrological implications of MIG? That depends. This month I might just be devout.

Communication has been weird in all areas of life. I've had car problems and computer problems, both of which I have kind of fixed after much expense ("kind of" meaning who knows if it's over?). And it's not like I never had these types of problems before outside of a retrograde cycle, right? Maybe I should start keeping a journal of the bad times - then I can correlate the MIG cycles and prepare next time! (maybe buy more lottery tickets?)

So yeah... it's been a little stressful lately worrying about all these mechanical necessities that keep my life functioning with reliable regularity, but worry or not... I am never bored. I mean, I almost cannot even understand the meaning of "I'm bored" when someone speaks of their everyday existence. I understand a boring book, article, movie, music, play, person, show... but that is easily remedied by switching gears and removing yourself from the boring activity at hand and engaging in something that interests you. For me, that is EASY because I am interested in so many things. My DVR is full of movies and programs that I do not have time to watch because I am reading or socializing or working or taking care of the business of living my life. I have a stack of books 3 feet high that I have yet to read and books sitting in my Kindle awaiting to be devoured. Sometimes I feel like there is so much interesting information and entertainment to take in that I get overwhelmed by the choices and just need to sleep to escape it all. Which is somewhat good because if I do not get enough sleep due to spending too many waking hours taking it all in, then I get too tired cannot get done what I need to get done in order to keep the ducks all lined up. Which is WHY I need for everything to be working properly, Mr. Mercury Retrograde!!!!

Life can be grand and life can suck, but it is never boring. - SunFollower

P.S. I refer to mercury retrograde as a male because, you know... :)


Ashley said...

hahahaha, I love the post script :)

This post is pretty funny all throughout. I've never heard of MIG before!!!

Sun Follower said...

Not only have I heard of it - I'm living it! HAHA