Thursday, June 03, 2010


Driving home from Hollywood tonight was one of those times I forgot about the traffic I was in and really took notice of all the lights. When I first moved into my Silver Lake bungalow, perched a block north of Sunset Boulevard and half way up a residential hill, I was happy to be on higher ground  and was able to see a bit of those Hollywood lights from my west facing bedroom and kitchen windows. Over the years people added second stories on to their homes and some planted trees for privacy along the walls, and wild vines with colorful flowers have also grown over my windows - all serving to obscure these little views I used to enjoy.

Tonight when I got home I noticed that one of the views was back. Somewhat smaller and compromised by a second story add-on a block over. The landlord recently trimmed the vines that hung over my bedroom window and low and behold I looked out and saw the lights from afar... my Hollywood lights were back.


Emily Maple said...

That sounds absolutely lovely.

Ashley said...

The view that I love more than lights? The ocean. I stare at it for hours.

The Grunt said...

Good views make me feel rich.

literating said...

My favorite part of Los Angeles are the lights at night in the hills. Glad you got a view back!