Thursday, October 28, 2010


On the recommendation of my office mate C, I went to Trader Joe's after work the other night to buy the "pumpkin ravioli."  After a search up and down the isles...I finally asked a TJ worker who looked puzzled.

"Yes, he said he bought it here, at this TJ's"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! (polite but impatient and hungry undertone)

I proceed to follow her to the ravioli section...NO pumpkin!! (cursing C under my breath) What they did have was BUTTERNUT SQUASH ravioli... so I took a package and was on my way. Per C's ionstructions - I melted some butter, through in some basil, garlic salt, a dash of S and P and topped it off with freshly grated parmesean cheese and damn it if I didn't have a delicious MEAL! (C was saved by the squash)


For the co-workers I took it to the oven (2010 inaugural holiday usage) and whipped up some scary cupcakes:

1 comment:

Ashley said...

MMMmmmm...I wanna try that!!