Saturday, January 08, 2011


People at work have been following this truck via Twitter since it's launch in early December. My co-worker and self-proclaimed "foodie" DS posted on Facebook that it was going to be a few blocks from my house on Thursday night... so I drove there directly from work.

The stars were aligned just right. I got the parking spot right behind the Lobsta Truck (parked in front of my local Trader Joe's) and the meter read FAIL :) I jumped out of the car and got in the line of 3 people and within mere moments the line was winding around the corner behind me.

<-- I got the Lobsta Roll w/buttah, Cape Cod chips and homemade lemonade. I tipped my extremely affable server well and proceeded to enjoy.  I am told the lobster is flown in fresh from Maine every 3 days, and I believe it! One word: DELISH!

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: I will follow the Lobsta Truck when it comes to any neighborhood I happen to be in close proximity of.

I officially deem 2011 The Year of the Lobsta.



The Grunt said...

Was your server's name Fred Lobster? HAHAHA! Yes, I am aware of how retarded I am:D

Ashley said...

with "buttah" hahahaha.